WordPress Course Detail :-
Part One ( Intro and Installation )
1) Introduction of WordPress.
2) Installation of Domain and Hosting.
3) Installation of WordPress.
4) Installation of Dashboard.
5) Installation of Plugin
6) Introduction of Elementor
7) Introduction of Theame
8) Installation of Pages
9) Installation of Menu
Part Two ( Create and Design )
1) Create Menu Bar.
2) Create Header.
3) Create Footer.
4) Create Banners of All Pages.
5) Create Body.
6) Create Pages Designs.
7) Create Contact Us Page.
8) Create About Us Page.
9) Craate Services Page.
Part Three ( Woo Commerce )
1) Install Woo Commerce Plugin
2) Woo Commerce Configuration
3) Add Woo Commerce Pages
4) Add Products
5) Configuration Products Setting.
Part Four ( Theame Installation)
1) Install Theame
2) Configuration Of Theame
3) Theame Settings.
4) Theame Designing
5) Theame Editing.
Part Five ( Posting and Bloging )
1) Create Posting
2) Create Bloging
Part Six Designing ( Related with Website)
1) Website Broucher Design
2) Website Banner Design
3) Website Logo Design
Note :-
All Designing Will Design with Help of
Two Wesites :-
1) www.postermywall.com
2) www.Canva.com
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